Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I only came up with 43 goals which isn't much for 1001 days. Send me your suggestions please.


chrisrawk said...

I clicked and the other site says your list doesnt exist anymore. (maybe you are revising it at the moment??) what gives?

I recommend you add - call your brothers at least 6 times per year (each).

create (and dislay in your home - this is important to ensure you try hard and make something nice) at least one piece of visual art. painting, sculpture, collage, sketch, pottery, ... NEW WALLPAPER IN THE DINING ROOM DOES NOT COUNT

Donate some money to a good charity.

Surprise your neighbor or co-worker with an act of random kindness. Cookies, a bottle of wine and DVD, cut their grass, ...

Befriend a youth.

Get some cool new sneakers.

Get lazik surgery.

Get a new tattoo with your brothers.

Spend a holiday with family.

Go see a local band play. Support the scene!

... more to come~

Balcony Babe said...

Talk with my family - are you crazy??? Isn't it enough that I am trying to move closer to you guys. Do we really have to talk to? Ok, ok, you guys are kind of cool and interesting so I'll give it a shot.

The other goals are great ideas. I especially like the music one. I forgot that "going out" could be a great life goal. Kingston has a new concert facility too so I could easily go to some live performances, not to mention seeing the bar bands.

As for making art - I thought about but decided to get someone else's art because it would be better. Maybe I could take lessons or something and learn to paint. I've been practicing some drawing at home so I guess painting would be a good next step.

I'll definitely think about it. I'm not sure if I want to commit to making art but I guess that the whole point of making life goals is to push the boundaries a little so trying something that I'm hesitant about is a good way to do it. Let me get back to this topic in a later post.
