Sunday, July 26, 2009

National Arts Centre

In the interests of trying out all that the city has to offer, I tagged along with a co-worker to see the play Grease at the National Arts Centre or "NAC" for short. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed the music and the performance. The NAC sounds very "high brow" but I really enjoyed myself and it is only a few blocks from my home so I am tempted to go again to see future performances. There are some shows in the winter that look interesting. I'll keep you posted.

On a more "low brow" note, I saw the new Harry Potter movie with an old friend. The multiplex is quite a ways from my house but is easy to get to by car. I would hate to have to take the bus, however. As for the movie, not my favorite although not completely horrible either. I wouldn't recommend it unless you have read the book.


Unknown said...

Fantastic! There are always really interecting things on at the NAC and you can walk there! Lucky you!

chrisrawk said...

Wow - Brian Adams, John Prine and (AND!!) Jerry Seinfeld perform there next month! I say skip the first two and go for the guaranteed laughs at Seinfeld's show.

chrisrawk said...

this dance performance looks cool ~

Balcony Babe said...

I'm going to try out some other venues and return to NAC later in the year. I have signed up for a concert at the Scotiabank Place stadium in August and am going to try some of the more local events as well.